15 d
Specific Tour
10 people
Mount Manaslu (8163m) is the eighth highest peaks in the world. Officially the Manaslu trekking trail was opened for trekking only in 1992 AD. Since then the trail is as popular as Annapurna circuit trek, trekkers also take alternative trails of Annapurna circuit trek. This trail is still pristine and unspoiled trekking region in Nepal: experience the unique cultural heritage, breathtaking Himalayas views, varieties of landscape, high altitude dreamy glacier lakes and enthralling floras and faunas.
Manaslu trek is undoubtedly one of best trekking trails in Nepal. It is close-by the China territory. The region has controlled by the government which means the trekkers heading to Manaslu needs to issue a special permit by every single trekker. Trekking guide for the trekking is necessary. Generally our trek starts with a day drive from Kathmandu to Arughat and follows the trail to the maximum elevation up to the Larkya pass at (5,420 m).